10 years on the Internet

For us people who have been around for a decade or more, what do you think about the way that the Internet evolved?

10 years ago, it was “don't tell your real name to anyone!”. In 2010, you give away your Facebook account with name and pictures.

10 years ago, people went “don't say where you live!”. In 2010, you use FourSquare to always give your exact position.

10 years ago, dial-up AOL users were yelling “me too”. In 2010, almost everyone has a high-speed connection.

10 years ago, everyone wanted to create some sort of site on Geocities. In 2010, you tweet about your personal life.

10 years ago, you chatted on ICQ. In 2010, you send texts and/or use Facebook chat.

10 years ago, you browsed the web on your computer. In 2010, you use your phone and/or tablet and/or game console.

I'm not looking to point out positive or negative changes. I only find it all fascinating. :–)

– Doctacosa