Avoiding being sidetracked

I've been doing some work on the system for Interordi Accounts lately. As you might or might not know, it's using IOBoard, my forums platform, for some of its processing. It's where the actual data is stored and loaded, so it's rather central to several things I'm working on.

The forums system is one that's dear to me, as I've been developing and improving it for close to 20 years now. While it hasn't been super popular lately, it had its moments, plus it keeps playing a critical role with its handling of accounts. With this proximity, it's tempting for me to want to spend more time on it. Of course, I can only do so much in a day, so I need to make some choices.

Do I want to spend more time on something like this? Sure! But would it be the best use of my efforts? Probably not, since it's not as popular as other elements like the Minecraft servers and has less room for growth. Choices can be difficult at times, but I need to respect some priorities to get the best results possible... and not get sidetracked too much!

This doesn't only apply to the forums, of course, but they're a good example. I could write the same about some of my Minecraft plugins, too. They're active, maintained and all that, just not as developed as I picture them. Maybe their turn will come someday!


– Doctacosa