Breaking changes and managing them

I've written before on how updating the guts of the various systems takes time and needs to be done carefully.

I had another example of that last week: while doing a basic code review on a page that displays the server logs, I realized that some of the function calls I used will be going away under PHP 7.2. The PHP language has been taking several steps in recent years to improve its design and performance and that gave some very nice results. The downside, of course, is that some older functionality is being removed outright, so scripts and programs need to be adapted accordingly.

In this case, the fix was rather easy but critical, as it's related to fetching files remotely. Without that, various web tools would break when the time came to update, including the achievements check. Fixing this now removes an obstacle from the future, avoiding bad surprises while ensuring smooth operations for everyone!

– Doctacosa