Game dev #10: Chatting with polish

In previous Game Dev entries, I've talked about my reasoning behind the introduction of the chat server and how I managed to apply improved formatting on the messages. The whole system has been extremely reliable since the beginning, with a solid design and self-repair capabilities when the connection between the core and one of the channels (game server, IRC or Discord) is lost. Still, there's always room for improvements.

The majority of my development time in the past week or so has been dedicated to adding an extra layer of polish and functionality to the chat system. This notably includes:

None of these were critical, but they're part of some of the first impression that new players get from the Creeper's Lab and its community. I think a layer of polish is important to help people understand that the various systems are stable and reliable, and so I took the initiative of getting some long-time targets and annoyances out of the way.

#gamedev #projects

– Doctacosa