My own plugins, part 1
Last month, I covered some of the Minecraft server plugins that I've taken over in order to make them work in newer game versions. Let's continue on that to cover some of the plugins that I've written myself, for various reasons. The four that I'm describing here have had their source code newly added to my GitHub profile, if any developers out there want to give them a look!
Ironically, the newer one of the set replaces the first one I listed last month: InventorySQL. IOSync is responsible for synchronizing the inventory of players across all survival servers. While InventorySQL chooses a few things to synchronize, IOSync takes the opposite approach and synchronizes everything but a few selected details. Additionally, it works using the base game's data, making version updates much smoother overall! It's still young, but it has performed quite well so far.
Probably the simpler one, this reads the content of a file on the server and displays that text in-game. It's used to relay notifications, such as the hourly notices or the achievement rolls. Straightforward functionality, but since nothing I could find would work just the way I wanted, I rolled out my own.
Straight and to the point, this logs all of the chat and commands entered by the players. These logs have various uses, from tracking the daily activity of the servers to reviewing hacking attempts. This was the first plugin I wrote and made for a good starting point before jumping into more complex functionality.
This one tracks when players move in and out of the WorldGuard regions in the world and saves that information to a file for later use. It's a key part of the achievements system, being able to say who went where.
I've got more, but since I've placed all these online recently, I thought it made sense to start there. I'll continue in a later post at another time!
– Doctacosa