My own plugins, part 2

Following up on my previous post, here are some more of the plugins I've developed over time.


The newest on the batch! As you might guess from the name, this plugin is used to monitor the status of the game servers. Nothing of this is visible to the players; it runs quietly as it lets me keep an eye on valuable data like the last time a server was restarted, how many players are on or how fast it's currently running. Bonus, this one is available for download on Spigot!


IOTrails replaced the older SmokeTrails, which I had been maintaining for a while. This full rewrite allowed me to add new options, most notably in letting players choose a trail once and have it apply on all servers simultaneously. Before, the setting was applied per-server, causing people to often have the wrong one applied. Also available for download!


I already did a full write-up on this one nearly two years ago, but I feel like it's worth another mention as tracking all gameplay stats was a very big bite to take. Thankfully, this has been very reliable overall in the meantime, with little maintenance needed. I'm planning a release once I work out a few known issues.

UHC and Grindatron

Both rotating challenges within Kenorland, I developed custom solutions from the beginning to have all the flexibility I needed. These aren't set for public release, as the UHC one is probably underdeveloped compared to some existing options, while the Grindatron is a special feature that I'd like to keep as a Creeper's Lab exclusive.

While I don't have more to mention right now, I'm often considering the time cost of maintaining existing plugins vs finding new ones vs developing my own, so there might very well be a part 3 in due time!

#projects #plugins #minecraft

– Doctacosa