Personal visibility online

One element I've been reflecting on lately is on a recurring theme: promotion. But rather than Creeper's Lab, or Interordi, how about myself?

Not that I'm looking at become a dreaded influencer, this is more about having an online presence that's not necessarily tied to a specific project, beyond having the Interordi frontpage, that is.

One idea I had was to run a blog to post my musings. It's entirely possible that this would fall in the “good idea, wrong time” trap, though, and would have been a better pick 15 years ago. It's not like I write a lot, but I have some thoughts I like to spell out once in a while. As a starting point, I could always build an archive from past posts I've made on forums, Tumblr and the like. This way, I would have some content from day one.

Another option would be to be more active on one or two social networks. Which one I'm not sure; I used to be more active on Tumblr, but that fell off a cliff. I have no interest on photos and videos, so definitely not TikTok or Instagram. Maybe it could be Twitter, as I like how short-form it is, and you can choose what to engage on. Plus, I already monitor the Creeper's Lab feed on there, so I'm at least familiar with it. Maybe you have a feeling on one that could be a good match for me?

And then one other key question: in which language? French or English? You reading this are more familiar with my english-language content, obviously, but I use both day-to-day. I'm not keen on having both languages repeating themselves on the same channels, that sounds too official-government-like. Separate channels could be an idea, but that's nearly double the work and not as spontaneous.

I haven't made any decision on this yet, still musing...

#branding #interordi #personal

– Doctacosa