

As you know, I'm often rotating between multiple projects. Some need maintenance, others are in the spotlight, while priorities can suddenly change. I'm usually good at shifting from one thing to the other, but sometimes, it doesn't go as well as I'd like.

Part of the work I've been doing lately involves an overhaul of the player profiles. The first step is to improve the current code structure and make it more flexible. A good chunk of the display is made using JavaScript, with the Vue library. I've adopted Vue as it handles smoothly several things I want to do while it can be easily reused in various places. It already powers part of the current profiles, while the Creeper's Lab Companion and the Interordi Accounts section are all done with it. It works well. My problem is, I never really mastered it.

This means that I often have to look up how to do things that should be simple. Let's say I need to use the variable “players”. Depending on where I want to use it, I need to write it as “this.players”, or “players”. Sometimes, both are even accepted! It's a small thing, but I'm constantly tripping over which to use, which leads to bugs creeping into the code all the time. How to bind variables between objects is also a thing I often have to review.

Practice makes perfect, of course! The catch is, I'm not there yet. What I would probably need to do is spend several continuous weeks working with Vue, until it becomes second nature, then I wouldn't need to constantly look up the documentation and double-check my own work.

#development #projects

– Doctacosa