A look back at the past year

Now, before you assume the wrong thing, this isn't a yearly recap! This post is a follow-up to various tidbits I've mentioned at some point in the past year. I think follow-ups are underrated: it's nice sometimes to have a small update to confirm (or infirm!) something from before.

Back in August, I mentioned working with my tablet during a train ride. One issue I faced is that the battery barely lasted over three hours, while I was expecting much more. I'm happy to report that I've done better since, with about eight hours of usage without recharge. I'm not sure if I had a stray process wasting energy in the background before, but I'm glad to see it's now matching my expectations!

In May, I described the activity chart I was working on. It's now live at the top of my portfolio, highlighting when I have been active on some of my key projects. I also added the ability to check back on previous years. While that history is incomplete, I think it's neat to see how I have been busier in some time periods more than others! Notably, we see an uptick after I decided to publish some of my code for all to see, on GitHub.

A month before, in April, I wrote about my anti-TODO list. It's basically a daily note taking of the things I've done, which I've found to be a good way to reassure myself that progress does indeed happen (almost!) every day. It turns out that the notebook format I use has enough space for two years of notes, almost to the day: I started my current one on 1 January 2021, and I'll run out of room in about four days!

March was when I mentioned working on my online visibility, and which social networks I could be more active on. Reading my thoughts on Twitter is funny in retrospect, especially with how... unstable the platform has been lately! I still haven't really decided anything on this topic, as nothing feels natural. One does need to go out of their comfort zone once in a while, though.

More happened, of course, but I especially like how these all had something worth writing about!

#projects #personal #recap

– Doctacosa